The Sound Infinity

Can Wearing Headphones Cause Hair Loss? Myth Or Reality-2023

Have you ever heard that wearing a headphone causes hair loss? or you’re living without hair? Or, Everybody on this planet is Bald, Sounds scary, Right!. Let me answer.

Today, the world is shifting from the traditional approach to a modern one. New technologies are being introduced day by day.

Understandably, everything or any technology has pros and cons. The main purpose of introducing new technologies is to benefit people across the globe.

Headphones are also one of the modern technology people benefit from. But it is always questioned, can wearing headphones cause hair loss? Is it just an assumption, or does such a fact exist?

Read also: How To Wear Headphones With Long Hair?

Can Wearing Headphones Cause Hair Loss?

To answer this question, let’s go through this research-based blog post.

People have mixed opinions about extensive hair loss caused by wearing headphones. Excessive use of headphones may indeed cause hair loss or traction alopecia. There is a medical term for hair loss, traction alopecia. Hair loss causes when headphones are too tight, and the band pulls the hair from its root.

Additionally, people having long hair face this problem more. If you’re already facing traction alopecia/hair loss, headphones may further damage the existing hair loss problem and worsen the hair follicle.

Furthermore, hair loss or traction alopecia due to wearing headphones is treatable. Hair loss from headphones is not a common problem, but it’s rare. It is also believed that it is a popular myth and has no connection with reality.

People can’t even imagine their life without hair. It is a big part of an individual’s identity and self-image. Being hairless, this idea seems scary. Let’s go through further investigation.

Many reasons cause hair loss. It might be genetic as well. Let’s come out from the myths and discuss the actual reasons.

Hair Loss Genetically

You might have heard that many diseases are caused genetically when it comes to hair loss from genes. It is also a major disease or problem people face that is caused genetically by the material side (female hormones). Researchers believe that X chromosomes that come from the maternal side might be responsible for hair loss or baldness. Besides, it is also believed that birth control pills are also the reason in this regard.

Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?

Is it true? Once, my friend told me that I was losing my hair due to stress. Was he right? Might be.

Today, stress is just like a pet that Everybody has. Stress is not good at all. We surely say that it is a disease. Everybody is facing across the globe. People hardly control to overcome this dilemma. In reality, it isn’t impossible.

It is all about the practice you make and how much passionate you’re about yourself. Be a part of any physical activity such as jogging, yoga, running, etc.

Start doing meditation and mindfulness activities. This engagement may help you to overcome this disease. Hair loss may cause further stress. Once your stress level gets in control, you’ll see that your hair will grow again. It is a reversible action.

Nutrients Deficiency

Nutrient deficiency is one of the major causes of hair loss or traction alopecia rather than using headphones. A proper diet highly affects the overall quality of your health and hair loss.

Splash of fruits and vegetables

It can lead to deficiencies that might affect your hair.

Iron deficiency is one of women’s leading and most common causes of hair loss. Lack of vitamin B12 can mainly contribute to your hair prematurely falling out, and too much vitamin A can also contribute to traction alopecia. In addition, you might face hair thinning and lose thick hair.

Hormonal Sensitivity

As we earlier discussed, that Hair loss may also occur genetically from the mom gene or maternal side. This happens mostly with women. This is because your hormones play a vital role in regulating the growth of your hair. It’s all about balanced hormones that might lead to strong hair growth.

The role of hormones is not only confined to hair growth but also overall health. The imbalance of hormones can create many health issues like stress, acne, weight gain, etc. It simply shows that our entire body is interlinked with many other parts.

In addition, hormones play a vital role in regulating the hair growth cycle. Balanced hormones help regulate the hair growth cycle and lead to strong and healthy growth.

When you diagnose the problem, make sure you get proper hair treatments or consult with a hair specialist.

What Should You Do About Hair Loss Caused By Headphones?

Tips To Avoid Hair Loss

Tips written on the glass jar

What should be the solution that wearing headphones may not affect our hair? Here are a few tips to avoid hair loss from headphones. All you need to do is to apply the following tips.

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Use Comfortable Headphones/Lightweight Headphones.

As far as hair loss is concerned due to headphones, So Comfortablibilty of headphones is one of the important aspects that must be noted. Find such headphones for your Head which is more comfortable, easy to move, and not too tight.

If you feel that your headphone is creating tightness or tension, go for the comfortable and adjustable headphones to avoid tension or traction.

Because it may lead to various types of negative effects such as headaches, when it comes to Comfortablibilty, make sure you have such headphones lighter in weight.

Do believe it greatly works. It doesn’t exert too much pressure or traction. It must be as light as you may not even feel on your Head.

one of the best features of adjustable headphones is, you can also adjust your headphones by the given Arch. If you don’t want your Head to touch your headphone, slightly adjust the Arch and get it over to your Head. Additionally, You can also find over-ear headphones while suffering from issues.

Earbuds/In-ear Headphones Cause No Hair Loss Or Traction Alopecia.

How about earbuds while headphones are causing Hair loss or traction alopecia? We can prevent hair loss or traction alopecia by wearing earbuds instead of headphones.

Headphones are either loose or tight, fit or unfit, etc. Wearing Earbuds is not a bad idea in general. Additionally, make sure you’re not using dirty in-ear earphones/earbuds.

Change The Position Of The Band.

Wear headphones with a trick of changing the band position might be the easiest way to avoid such a problem. No efforts are required.

Even I, and many people, do the same as they feel headphones are uncomfortable on their Heads without knowing that traction alopecia exists. People find it more comfortable.

You don’t need to place your band at the top of your head, do place it at your back. You will find no traction. It is up to you if you feel comfortable applying this technique. Some people might not support this tip.

Change Your Hairstyle.

Researchers also believed that changing hairstyle can work. Changing your hairstyle can restrict headphones from the excessive pulling of your hair. In this regard, pushing might cause a problem, and you might get in trouble. This might lead to hair fall. Using a neat loose ponytail can also be another option in this regard, and avoid tight-fitting hats.

What Type Of Headphones Causes Hair Damage?

There are many different types of headphones in market, and each type can cause different levels of damage to your hair. In-ear headphones, for example, can cause friction and tugging that can lead to breakage, while over-ear headphones can put pressure on your hair and scalp, which can also lead to breakage.

If you’re concerned about damaging your hair, it’s best to choose headphones designed to be gentle on your hair or hair friendly such as those made from soft materials like silicone or cloth. It would help if you also avoid headphones that put too much pressure on your Head, damaging hair.

Furthermore, lightweight headphones/lighter headphones have comfortable headphone bands that are ideal for avoiding such issues.

Can Excessive Use Of Headphones Cause Hair Loss?

Hair loss or traction alopecia is rare. But the problem or issue we create is that we use headphones excessively and use them for several hours, which might be dangerous for hair loss and our ears. In addition, try to avoid using headphones for several hours continuously.

It all depends on time.

White colored alarm clock

The amount of time you spend with your headphones highly matters. Using headphones a few hours a day might not cause any traction.

Headphones’ Comfortability Matters A Lot.

If your headphones are not comfortable enough and are very tight and pull your hair, then even a few hours are not supporting hours for you. Whether you’re calling, playing games, or listening to music for long hours, make sure you’ve comfy headphones.

How To Treat Traction Alopecia?

A girl is being given hair drop
A girl is being given hair drop

Try To Use A Comfortable Ponytail.

To counter this issue, I have a great idea for you. If you have long hair, use a ponytail that might not take in trouble. If you’ve short hair, comb your hair at that side you want to move with your headphones band. Besides, keep avoiding tight ponytails, tight bands, and tight hats.

This tip can surely help you. Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss that typically occurs due to repetitive pulling or tension on the hair follicles. This can happen from tight hairstyles, such as a tight ponytail or cornrows, or too often using heated styling tools, such as curling irons or straighteners.

Traction alopecia usually affects the hair along the hairline and temples, but it can also occur on other parts of the scalp.

You can also use a magical hair growth pill, and hair cell protein.

Try to break the repetitive tension.

If caught early, traction alopecia is often reversible. The first step is to break the repetitive pulling or tension cycle on the hair follicles. In addition, most healthy hair follicles are not affected enough as compared to weaker ones.

This means avoiding tight hairstyles and heated styling tools. If possible, it’s also helpful to give the affected areas of the scalp a break from any kind of hair products, including shampoo, conditioner, and hair oils.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In some cases, traction alopecia can cause permanent hair loss. If this occurs, there are still options for treatment. One option is a surgical procedure called follicular unit extraction (FUE).

This involves transplanting hair follicles from a donor area of the scalp to the affected area. FUE can be used for hair regrowth in cases of severe or widespread hair loss and missing hair.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Another option for treating traction alopecia is platelet-platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. This non-surgical treatment uses your blood to promote hair growth. PRP therapy involves drawing a small amount of blood from your arm and separating the platelets from the other blood cells.

The platelets are then injected into the scalp, releasing growth factors that stimulate hair follicles, promote hair growth, and prevent further serious hair damage. Additionally, it also improves and grows long or thick hair.

See a doctor or dermatologist.

If you think you may be developing traction alopecia, you must see a doctor or dermatologist for an evaluation. They can diagnose the condition and develop a treatment plan that’s right for you.

A picture illustion of doctoral process

Concluding Note

I hope I have answered the question of can wearing headphones cause hair loss.

Every disease can be stressful, just like hair loss. But there is no need to blame headphones only. It might not be caused by headphones, but also consider other diseases you face, like various nutrition deficiencies.

If you get your stress level high on overthinking or blaming that wearing headphones cause hair loss might be bad to worse for you.

You need to figure out what is the actual and leading cause of hair loss. If you get any conclusion, follow a few steps to overcome the issue.

A try might bring you a change, and there is no need to worry. Hair loss is treatable as well as avoidable. If you see hair loss symptoms, go for the treatment as it’s simple to treat.

You don’t need to ignore the problem but think about the proper treatment because Care is better than cure. Hopefully, you’ll find the answer to the question Can wearing headphones cause hair loss?.


Can I Switch To Earbuds To Avoid Hair Loss?

Why do you overthink? Hair loss from headphones is not a common problem. It is found rarely. Switch to earbuds is the best option among all these. No weight, No band, and no hair pulling.

Switching to earbuds might be satisfactory if you’re just worried about hair loss or thin hair. Use the best quality earbuds having the latest technology to enjoy a better experience and overcome this myth.

Can I Switch To Airpods To Avoid Hair Loss?

Yes, you can switch to air pods to avoid hair loss. Air pods are less likely to cause hair loss than other headphones because they don’t produce as much friction on the hair.

How To Avoid Losing Hair From Headphones?

You don’t even need so many precautions because it’s not such a problem you should worry about. Do follow a few simple steps. There is an adjustable band with your headphones; place it from where it may not pull your hair.

Don’t use tight headphones, as earlier discussed. Moreover, could you not use it excessively? These are the few simple steps you should follow to avoid hair loss from headphones.

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