
What To Do If Headphones Get Wet?

The word headphones have had a significant impact on our lives as they have become one of the central parts of our daily routine. In this regard, one of the most commonly asked questions about headphones is, “what to do if headphones are wet?

There are several concerns or doubts about this issue, like, will headphones get damaged after being wet? Another problem may be how to dry them if they get wet. Besides, there are also many concerns like electrocution using wet headphones. So, these are the common concerns people have after their headphones are damp or washed.

Let’s try to answer the question and resolve the problem.

What to do if headphones get wet? You don’t need to rush when your headphones get wet. Keep calm and follow the few steps I’m sharing with you.

Let’s analyze the problem and make some solutions. In detail, you’ll have a more precise idea about this issue. Let’s go through the further readings.

Read also: How Do You Get A Sweat Smell Out Of Leather Headphones?

5 Steps You Can Do To Resolve The Issue Of Water-damaged Headphones.

1. Separate All The Attachable Parts

Separate parts of headphones

Before doing anything else, follow this critical step and separate all the attachable parts. This will help you to remove the moisture immediately. However, the latest headphones are very simple to Open, as they’ve no screws or complex methods for opening them. Use any instrument, like a screwdriver, to open them. Open both sides of the headphones and blow them air from your mouth.

2. Use Distilled Water To Wash

Use only distilled water or deionized water. Such water is safe and non-conducting, non-corrosive medium. This helps you and conducting no problem with your headphones. In this step, you can put your soaked headphones into the glass of distilled water and shake them. As you finish shaking, there will be only purified water and nothing else. It should be noted that, don’t try excess water.

3. Shake Them Firmly

After finishing the second step, you need to remove the droplets of distilled water you’ve used in the second step. For this step, you’ve to shake your headphones firmly to remove every droplet associated with your headphones and dry them. Try to do this step as much as possible; it will help you dry immediately. Follow the further procedure of drying.

4. Use A Soft Towel Or Cotton Swabs.

Use a soft and dry towel to remove water droplets or moisture from the internal components of your headphones. This piece of the towel will remove the extra wet and droplets of distilled water. In addition, you need to do this step for every part of your headphones.

5. Blow Up Them With Air

This step is also a significant step you can apply when your headphones get wet. Immediately, Let the earphones air dry or you can blow the air from your mouth. Repeat this step several times. In addition, you can also use an air blower, but there must be a distance from headphones because it can damage your headphones if they’re very near each other. It can be done due to massive airflow. You need to remember this while blowing air.

By using these tips, you can save water-damaged earphones and headphones.

3 Things To Avoid When You Get Your Headphones/Earphones Wet.


Suppose you find that your headphones are soaked or have been washed. There is no need to wait and waste some more time. Instead, take immediate action so that you may not lose your headphones. Follow these simple steps to avoid heavy damage to headphones.

Don’t use a hairdryer

A hairdryer is not an instrument to resolve the issue at all. The heat produced by the hairdryer can easily damage your headphones rather than fix the problem. It is very harmful to your headphone. Additionally, using a hairdryer can damage the Plastic and cords of your headphones. Simply put, a hairdryer can cause more damage than we could.

Don’t operate them immediately

When your headphones are wet, you can’t use them as you usually do. Their electronic circuits are fitted inside the headphones. As you operate, it might cause a short course because they get power as you operate them. Wet headphones’ ability would create damage.

Don’t use a microwave or Oven

If you’ve done this, how stupid you’re!

A microwave or Oven is not for drying your headphones. They’re designed for kitchen use. However, this step can create damage not only to your headphones, but also to your microwave. The Oven can help in melting the plastic of your headphones due to the massive heat produced by the Oven.

So, this is not a solution at all.

What Are The Possible Outcomes If Your Headphones Get Wet Or Washed?

Suppose your active headphones went into the water mistakenly. Chances are high that they might not work or might not work correctly. It is there are electrical circuits inside the headphones. As a result, they might get damaged due to the water.

So, this might be the first possible outcome.

Secondly, your headphones might not function properly. As you just have dropped your headphones into the water and used them after some time, they might not work appropriately as you usually see. It might be possible you’ll experience that speaker doesn’t give the proper sound.

So, if you follow the steps I’ve mentioned above, you might not lose your headphones.

Thirdly, you may have no loss. You’ll get such a result when you take immediate action as your headphones get wet. You don’t waste time and take action. As a result, you might find your headphones are perfect and working correctly.

In addition, chances are very high that you’ll get your headphones to their original State and have no loss.

So, these are a few possible outcomes you can experience when your headphones get wet.

Are Headphones Waterproof?

Most Headphones are not waterproof or water resistant. Water can damage the headphones and cause them to stop working. If you use headphones in a wet environment, dry them off as soon as possible. If your headphones get wet, do not use them until they are completely dry.

If you’re caught in the rain or working up a sweat, your headphones will probably get wet. Whether they’ll survive depends on how waterproof they are.

So, it’s essential to be careful around water. If your headphones get wet, don’t use them until they’re completely dry. Water can damage the headphones and cause them to stop working.

A few headphones on the market are designed to be waterproof. These have a special coating and water-resistant headphones that help them withstand exposure to water.

If you’re planning on using your headphones in a wet environment, check whether they’re waterproof before you start. And if they’re not, be sure to dry them off as soon as possible if they get wet.

How To Get Water Out Of The Headphone Mic?

Like most people, you’ve probably had the unfortunate experience of getting water in your headphone mic. Water and headphones don’t mix well, whether from sweating while working out or getting caught in the rain.

So what can you do if you find yourself with a wet headphone mic? The first step is to remove the microphone from the headphone. Next, complete the drying process using a dry cloth to dab the microphone until it is dry gently. If possible, blow into the microphone to help remove any remaining moisture.

Once the microphone is dry, reattach it to the headphone and test it out. If it’s still not working correctly, you may need to replace the microphone altogether. Headphone mics are inexpensive and easy to replace, so this shouldn’t be a big problem.

If you take these steps, you should be able to get your headphone mic working again in no time.

What To Do If My Earphones Get Wet?

Earphones are a common electronic that people use daily. Earphones can be used for many things, such as listening to music, taking phone calls, and watching videos. However, earphones can quickly become wet, whether from rain, sweat, or even water spilling on them.

When this happens, it is essential to take the proper steps to ensure that your earphones continue working correctly.

The first step is to turn off your earphones. This will help to prevent any further damage from occurring. Next, remove the earbuds from your ears and any other attachments on your earphones. Once everything is removed, gently wipe down the wet areas with a soft cloth.

If possible, avoid using any cleaning solution as this could damage the earphones.

Firstly, remove excess moisture, you must let your earphones dry completely before using them again. The best way to do this is to leave them out in the open air. Avoid using a blow dryer or placing them near any heat source, as this could damage the earphones. If you are in a hurry, you can also use a silica gel packet to absorb any remaining moisture. It should be noted that always use a proper saving bag.

By following these simple steps, you can help ensure that your earphones continue working correctly even after getting wet.


Can Wet Headphones Electrocute You?

This is the question people ask about whether wet headphones cause electrocution. The answer is no. You can’t be electrocuted when you use your wet headphones. It is because the current in headphones is not so high, but a shallow draft runs through them. Most headphones are 5V and produce a low current from 2mA to 35m, which is too weak to get you electrocuted.

Can Rice Help In Drying The Headphones?

The answer is yes. Uncooked rice can help you in this regard. You need to open the bag or box of your rice in the kitchen and put all the attachable parts in the bag of rice. Keep your headphones or earbuds in the bag of rice for two days.

Make sure that the rice bag must not in use for two days. Besides, they must be completely dry. So, forget your headphones or earbuds for two days, and you might get better results

How Long Does It Take For The Headphones To Dry?

If your headphones are not submerged in deep water, you can do a simple step: shake off the water droplets by shaking firmly, wiping with the sort clothes, or blowing dry air. You might get your headphones in their original form. If your headphones are submerged in deep water for a couple of hours, they might take 24 to 48 hours to dry out completely.

After 48 hours, check your device. If it still doesn’t work, let them dry for 24 hours more. If you don’t get positive results, replace your headphones or earbuds.

How Do You Fix Water-damaged Headphones?

If your headphones have been damaged by water, there are a few things you can do to try and fix them. First, remove the headphones from any electronics they may be plugged into and let them dry completely. Once they are dry, check the headphones for any visible damage. If there is none, try plugging the headphones back in and see if they work.

You may need a new pair if the headphones still don’t work.

How To Fix Water Damaged Apple Headphones?

In a nutshell, If your apple headphones have been damaged by water, there are a few things you can do to try and fix them. First, remove the batteries and allow the headphones to dry completely. If possible, place them in a container of rice or silica gel to help absorb any moisture. Once they are completely dry, reinsert the batteries and see if they work. If not, try gently cleaning the connectors with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Finally, if all else fails, you may need to purchase new headphones.

Concluding Note

It is not a very common problem for people to drop their headphones into the water, but it’s rare. People forget their headphones in the bag, earbuds in their pockets, etc., and they’re washed with the clothes in the washing machine. However, it happens, and people always ask what to do if headphones get wet.

I’ve shared various steps you can follow to get back your headphones. Besides a few steps, you can follow to avoid losing your headphones when they’re washed or wet. In addition, Chances are very high; you can get your headphones back to their original State if you consider the above steps.

Hopefully, you’ll find this article very informative and helpful in the situation you get your headphones wet. Thanks for reading!

jack connor

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